One of us, and by the way member of the Order of Będzin Castle – Dominic, fought a thrilling swords duel.
There was the XV Knightly Tournament from 12th to 13th May of the current year held in Będzin castle. The audience was able to peek duels, dance performances, ladies’ and knights’ courses, all of that covered by view of a medieval castle.
The most impressive thrills were gained during fights between knights from all across the Poland. Here comes Dominic. The F44 Red was also there, to support mentally and hold fingers crossed to our knight’s winning strike.
The fight was really exciting, one could not miss any thrills. Even despite of couter which was cut off, our golden-red knight did not give up the duel.
Dominic shown his inner resource, he fought till the end.
We hug you over brave attitude and wish all the best during the incoming tournaments!
F44 Red, translated by Adam Polok.