On Thursday, 07.06 at 17.00 in WSB Academy there was another Spring Framework workshop organized by F44 Red. Taking foreign language speakers into consideration, the event was hosted in both – Polish and English.
Workshop was free for everyone. Meeting no. 2 is a sequel to the first one being finished with a beginning model of a Spring Boot app.
The workshop’s plan consists of following:
- domain enhancement, modeling Entities
- creating base CRUD repos
- CRUD operations on data
- basic Spring controllers
- basic Thymeleaf view blueprints
Minimal requirements are – device with JDK8 and IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate (can be a trial version) installed. Required knowledge – basic programming via object-oriented languages skills (Java as default preferred).
We me at WSB Academy main facility in Dąbrowa Górnicza in hall no. 202 in between 17.00 – 20.00.
Update of 8th June
Many of IT students from Dąbrowa Górnicza and Cieszyn, ones studying in Polish and these attending international classes, took part in the workshop. We are grateful about everyone’s presence and development of such great ambience, which allowed us to create foundation of first web application made with Spring!
Here’s a github download link for participants and absent ones: https://github.com/blueeagleapps/mymuslibrapp
The workshop is not the last one, it’s another on the list. Follow our service or fanpage @ tw/fb/insta carefully – there’ll be subsequent meetings (#3).
F44 Red, translated by Adam Polok.