F44 Red Workshops: Spring framework #3

On the very first Friday (13th July at 17.30) there will be another F44 Red Spring Workshop hosted in Cieszyn this time. It is a last one official meeting before the holiday. The entrance is free for everyone.

Meeting no 3 is a continuation of 2nd workshop, during which we created a simple, complete Spring Boot app with basic model.

I takes following this time:
– another domain extension
– CRUD repositories extension
– Spring Services and Controllers cont.
– forms processing
– Thymeleaf view blueprints+ Bootstrap
– Lombok project simplification

Minimal requirements are – device with JDK8 and IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate (can be a trial version) installed. Required knowledge – basic programming via object-oriented languages skills (Java as default preferred).

We me at WSB Academy facility in Cieszyn at F44 students’ club at 17.30.

Translated by Adam Polok.