We are announcing with great gladness and undisguised pride that our F44 Red Club has found itself in an extraordinary group of 100 European pioneers of digitization. The special report – Europe’s Road to Growth – was prepared by Financial Times and Google.
We are pioneers, leaders in the digitization of Europe and the only organization from Poland selected in the Technology training category as a club “that organises events to teach people about new technologies, software development, gaming development and cyber security.”
Today, on November 21, 2018, at the headquarters of Google Europe, in Brussels, there is a ceremony during which our 恩師 (Onshi) Piotr K. Sroczyński, among distinguished guests from the world of politics, leaders of European industry together with other pioneers of digitization, who with F44 Red found themselves in the report, they will celebrate this wonderful distinction.
Among the invited special guests were: Mariya Gabriel, Commissioner for Digital Economy and Society, and Matt Brittin, President of Google Europe. The agenda includes a panel debate chaired by Leyla Boulton from the Financial Times on digital transformation, trends and opportunities in Europe.
About the report:
The Financial Times, with the support of Google to the special report of Europe’s Road to Growth, was supposed to select 100 best among all organizations, enterprises as well as individual people operating in Europe and dealing with the use and promotion of modern technologies.
Europe’s Road to Growth: The judges:
- Eva Maydell – Member of the European Parliament and President of European Movement International
- Frances O’Grady – General secretary, Trades Union Congress
- John Gapper – Chief business commentator, Financial Times
- Sarah O’Connor – Investigations correspondent, Financial Times
- Katerina Havrlant – Marketing director, Google
- Siraj Khaliq – Partner, Atomico
- Paul Hofheinz – President and co-founder, Lisbon Council
- Christopher Haley – Head of new technology and startup research, Nesta
- Gisele I. Karekezi – Europe regional manager, AngelHack
- Thiébaut Weber – Confederal secretary, European Trade Union Confederation
The committee met several months to finally place selected champions in the report (link below)
Europe’s 100 digital champions
We’d like to thank our entire community, which is growing stronger every day. We are very proud that our work has been recognized at the European forum of 100 digital European champions, it is a great start to the great road that we are going to travel!